Lyft accident lawyer in Costa Mesa

Common Causes of Uber and Lyft Accidents

Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyer 

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have become extremely popular due to their convenience, affordability, and flexibility for both drivers and passengers. However, they also come with risks, especially when it comes to car accidents. 

According to a study by the University of Chicago, the introduction of ridesharing services in the U.S. has increased traffic deaths by 2-3% per year. This translates to about 1,100 additional fatalities annually. The researchers attributed this increase to several factors, such as more miles driven by rideshare drivers, more congestion on the roads, and reduced use of safer modes of transportation.

But what are the specific causes of Uber and Lyft accidents? And who is liable for the injuries and damages that result from these crashes? Let’s take a look. If you were injured in a Lyft accident, our Lyft accident lawyer in Orange County can help.


Types of Lyft Accidents

Lyft accident attorneys
Car accidents are unfortunately very common, especially in California. While not all are serious, there are certain types of car accidents that are more common than others. The most common types of Lyft car accidents in California are: 

  • Rear-end collisions
  • Side-impact collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • Hit-and-run accidents

These types of car accidents can cause a range of injuries, ranging from minor to serious. Some common car accident injuries include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, whiplash, and broken bones.


Common Causes of Uber and Lyft Accidents

Accident involving Lyft driver
Uber and Lyft drivers need to meet certain qualifications before they can start using the app. However, that does not exempt them from getting into minor and serious accidents. Below are some of the most common causes of Uber and Lyft accidents:  

Distracted Driving

Uber and Lyft drivers tend to be more distracted than the average driver. These drivers are picking up new drivers through the driver app, as well as using GPS navigation systems to find their destinations. All these activities can take their attention away from the road and increase the chances of making errors or missing hazards. For example, a driver may fail to notice a stop sign, a red light, a pedestrian crossing, or a car changing lanes. A driver may also swerve or brake suddenly, causing a rear-end collision or a sideswipe accident. 

Driving Unfamiliar Roads

Another common cause of rideshare accidents is navigating unfamiliar areas. A Lyft driver depends on their app to know where they are going and how to get there the quickest. However, this may not always be accurate or reliable. Sometimes, the app may give wrong directions, outdated information, or unclear instructions. Other times, the app may not account for road conditions, traffic congestion , or weather changes. 

Driving in unfamiliar areas can make rideshare drivers more prone to making mistakes or getting lost. They may miss turns, make illegal maneuvers, speed up or slow down unpredictably, or enter restricted zones. They may also encounter unfamiliar road signs, signals, markings, or rules that they are not used to following.

Driver Fatigue

Lyft drivers work long hours and irregular schedules. Some drivers may also have other jobs or responsibilities that increase their stress or limit their sleep quality. 

Driver fatigue can impair a driver’s physical and mental abilities while driving. It can reduce their reaction time, judgment, concentration, vision, coordination, and alertness. It can also increase their risk of falling asleep behind the wheel or experiencing microsleeps, which are brief episodes of unconsciousness. 

Reckless Driving

Speeding, running red lights or stop signs, and road rage are all behaviors associated with reckless driving, which is classified a misdemeanor in California. Uber and Lyft drivers who engage in reckless driving put themselves, their passengers, and other drivers in danger. A negligent Lyft driver would be held liable in the event of a crash.


How Can I Seek Compensation for Lyft Accident Injuries?

Lyft accident victims may recover compensation
If you are injured in a rideshare accident as a passenger, a driver, or another driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and property damage. However, seeking compensation can be complicated and challenging due to the multiple parties and insurance policies involved. Additionally, Lyft and Uber classify their drivers as independent contractors and not full-time employees.

Depending on the circumstances of your accident and the status of your ride (whether you were matched with a Lyft driver, en route to your destination, or completed your ride), you may have access to different sources of insurance coverage. These include:

  • The Lyft driver’s personal auto insurance policy
  • The other driver’s personal auto insurance policy
  • The rideshare company’s third-party liability insurance policy
  • The rideshare company’s uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance policy
  • Your own personal auto insurance policy
  • Your own health insurance policy

Each of these policies differ, which means pursuing a rideshare accident claim is more challenging than a regular car accident claim. You may also face resistance from the insurance companies who may try to deny your claim or offer you a low settlement.

That is why you need an experienced Uber and Lyft accident lawyer on your side who can help you navigate your Lyft accident case and fight for your rights. A lawyer can help you:

  • Investigate the accident scene and gather evidence
  • Identify all the liable parties and insurance policies
  • File a personal injury claim with the appropriate insurance company
  • Negotiate with the insurance adjusters on your behalf
  • Represent you in court if necessary


Contact our Lyft Accident Lawyer in Costa Mesa

Lyft accident attorney

At Mesa Accident Lawyers, we have helped many clients who have been injured in Uber and Lyft rideshare car accidents get the compensation they deserve. We know how devastating a Lyft accident can be and how difficult it can be to deal with the aftermath. That is why our personal injury law firm is committed to providing compassionate and aggressive legal representation for our clients.

If you have been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident in Costa Mesa, contact our Lyft accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We will review your case and advise you on your best course of action. We work on a contingency fee basis so you don’t pay us anything unless we win your case.

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